REI Retail


In 2018, on the heels of their first successful “Opt Outside” campaign, REI brought Kelsey on as a consultant to rethink their strategy for in-store marketing (ISM). The brief was to develop a new direction and style guide to support all ISM. Audience target was late 30’s, 50/50 M/F and the brand wanted to shift from feeling corporate to feeling authentic, demonstrating a hand-crafted “how to” message. A key requirement was to incorporate local area outdoor knowledge, activities and expertise as well.


Working with the internal retail creative team, Kelsey developed a new visual direction that was tested in a local market near the HQ in Seattle. This creative was developed using custom typography and hand-lettering, illustrations and layered maps, authentic materials and re-used pieces all layered to deliver real and perceived authenticity. ISM deliverables consisted of all tiers of in-store marketing, from high level signage to merchandising, small signage and pricing, inspirational evergreen creative and how external campaigns and corporate partnerships show up within the same visual expression. The ISM campaign, titled Adventure Notes, tested so successfully it was rolled out as the new visual expression for retail in multiple locations nationally, with emphasis on flagships in Seattle, Boulder and DC. The guidelines were expanded to accommodate all seasons and develop techniques for producing the hand-lettered fonts and illustrations at scale. Local markets developed their own merchandise strategies and brought in creative local touches, maps, trails, vintage equipment, etc to own local authority on the outdoors. Elements and creative expression from the ISM were picked up across the brand, and became part of the overall language at REI, providing a more authentic vibe across all content.

In 2019, REI posted record financial results, including a 3.5% comparable growth in in-store traffic.